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{ 14 ene 2013 }

11 comentarios:

nayaritaa dijo...

i do not understand this entry :( explain please:(

Ana Lema dijo...

English for Kids. If you are a spanish teacher, you can find here some ideas and activities for teaching english to your pupils. Thanks!

señorita drew bieber dijo...

i do not understand this entry you can explain this for me PLEASE!

ivan dijo...

i do not understand this entry you can explain please


yes, I did it !


I will do it

leo dijo...

i do not understand this entry you can explain this for me PLEASE!

S Vera dijo...

Leo, I want you to write your favourite step, your favourite sentence in this picture. Hugs!!!

Sñtas Nuria y Alba dijo...

How do i do it? = ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?

luzmi dijo...

I do not understand this post by fiiiiiiiiiiiii me explain: (

Rizky Bafadal F12110061 dijo...

hi .. i am kiki from indonesia.
i fond of your blog. it's really nice. i have problem with writing and grammar. can you suggest what i must suppose to do to improve my writing ...
thanks !

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