New Ideas For Our Blog, Please!!!

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This is your blog. Enjoy and learn!
This is Narciso Brito School blog.
Enjoy and learn!
Blanca, Elena, Samuel & Sole
Como ya saben, este blog tiene como finalidad que nuestro alumnado continúe aprendiendo con la utilización de enlaces y actividades que proponemos de la red.
Recuerden que es necesario que una persona adulta supervise el uso de Internet de su hijo o hija.
Gracias por su colaboración.
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36 comentarios:
Genial vuestro blog! enhorabuena por vuestro trabajazo. Soy profe de inglés y la verdad es que toda idea es poca. Os dejo aquí el mío por si os apetece echarle un vistazo http://english-4-children.blogspot.com
Gracias por compartir ideas. Te hemos añadido a la lista de Blogs para que visites. Saludos!
As teacher, I can not think about anything I can think I'll leave the comment ...
As teacher, I can not think about anything I can think I'll leave the comment ...
say the alphabet in English or how to make tortillas :ahitamy 6b
I think you should but: how to make cakes
ingredients of an omelette
that the animal got scarier
say the names of our course and say the parts of the body
say the family tree
because we do not put something to paint according to the topic we are giving
What movie do you like best film
Sole ¿Puedes poner una entrada en la que escribamos sobre el invierno, en la estacion en la que estamos?
That is the favorite TV series?
Como ya estamos en navidad yo he pensado hacer una entrada de navidad
que ropa lleva tu amigo hoy, y la tuya.
The birthday of your father, mother, sister or brother and yours
cakes blog
You favorite video hanger on youtube
your favorite song.
You favorite is tv series
You favorite is tv series
Sole I think we should put an entry of Christmas and winter would be nice
Sole, I think we could do the following: Whenever a station or party etc ... that make an entrance. For example: On Christmas we could make an entrance and tmb winter as we do other winter ... Do you agree?
recetas caseras
As is Christmas I thought I make a Christmas entry
why not put our favorite YouTube channel?
My idea was that will create a post where we put our favorite celebrities
My idea is that the classes that now are studying the material of the clothes might do groups and every group has to choose some famous one and do a work on the clothes that goes
My idea was that will create a post where we put our favorite celebrities
my idea is what is your favorite three wise men.
Describe your Christmas tree
Write your letter of Reyes
My idea is the place where you would like to go
What program do you like best?
make a contest of the best specialty of each
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